Wednesday, December 31, 2008


“Forgetting” Shirts

What goes around comes around.

I left my shirt at your place so you’d have something when you miss me some part of me with you at all times. If you are ever cold its like Im keeping you warm.. This has backfired because you “forgot” your tank top at my house.

Missing you like crazy I go to bed with you on my mind. I miss you so much and my sheets don’t have your scent anymore …your shirt is pressed close against my chest as I sit at the edge of my bed…Your scent still lingers with me and it makes me miss you so much more.… I’m holding your shirt like its been mine since early in my life. Its close in my chest… My heart bleeds a little more…

I miss you so much now. The scent of you make memories and thoughts of you so bright. Our inside jokes - Stupid door colours, slutty bosses.. The things we say - “me and you babe”, “me to with you” and the stupid things we do - blowing raspberries on your stomach, dancing while making dinner, throwing water at you while I shower…

Every thought imaginable runs through my head. Funny, silly, cute, caring, sexy, intimate and just neutral times of me sitting next to you… I love every second. I smell you and need you so close right now. Pressing your shirt even closer to my chest I think up schemes to visit you, think of what I’ll write next in my book of love to you and so on.

Its funny how your shirt can make me feel so connected to you again. I want to sleep so bad.. Im so tired right now but to be connected with you for this little bit longer, I think I’ll stay awake… I think I like it here right now. This is as close as I can get to you for now… Its only a matter of time before the scent wears off and my feelings grow stronger… I need you now while I can have you… Just like I’ll cherish every second I have WITH you I’ll cherish every second I have to be connected SOMEHOW.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good! I kept thinking about the jacket my boyfriend left with me, and how I love wearing it because it's like having him with me even when he's not with me. It was really good to have when he was living 1,000 miles away from me.
